Scientific long-term exchange – NAWA Ulam Programme
The aim of the Ulam Programme is to increase the internationalisation of Polish HEIs and scientific institutions. The Programme will allow both recognised and promising scientists with at least the doctoral degree, to visit Poland in order to strengthen the scientific potential of Polish entities and to participate in their scientific activities, primarily research projects and didactics. The Programme will allow to invite scientists from all around the world representing all fields of science to the Polish institutions of science and higher education. HEIs, scientific and research institutes will have the opportunity to invite specialists from their priority areas to Poland – they will make a significant contribution to the research conducted by a given institution, strengthen didactics or support the institution in applying for prestigious grants.
The Programme will facilitate a gradual increase in the number of foreign scientists involved in scientific research and teaching in Poland and also enable or deepen international contacts with foreign institutions.
Authorised applicants
An application under the Programme shall be submitted by an individual scientist who holds a doctoral degree awarded in a country other than Poland, does not hold Polish citizenship and has not lived, worked or studied in Poland since at least 2017. The condition of not being a Polish citizen does not apply to persons who are Polish citizens and whose full cycle of doctoral studies has been financed by the Polish government, as these persons are entitled to participate in the Programme,
The Programme is open to scientists representing all fields of science.
Activities implemented in the framework of the Programme
As part of the Programme, possible visits are those whose objective include:
- completing the first or a subsequent post-doctoral fellowship;
- conducting scientific research, including in cooperation with Polish scientists or research teams;
- obtaining materials for research or a scientific publication;
- conducting didactic classes at the host
Scholarship timeframes and financing
Foreign scientists may stay in Poland for 6 to 24 months, and they may be accompanied by members of their family, and in the case the Programme participant is a disabled person, by their assistant.
Scientists visiting Polish scientific institutions under the Programme will receive a monthly Scholarship for the duration of their stay and a mobility allowance, which will allow them to cover the travel costs.
Visit under the scholarship may not take place earlier than 1 October 2019 or later than 31 May 2020.
Deadline for submitting the proposals
The call for applications under the Programme will be held from 22 January to 23 April 2019 until 3:00 PM Central European Time (UTC +01:00) in an electronic form exclusively via the ICT system of the Agency.
More info at
NSO (Boulder) – Community Science Program Post Doc – 2 Research Associate
1 – The NSO is seeking a post-doctoral research associate to work on the validation of science (level-2) data products in the solar chromosphere, in preparation for the first light of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) of the National Science Foundation (NSO).
The NSO has initiated an effort – funded by the National Science Foundation and led by Dr. Han Uitenbroek – that includes the inversion of spectro-polarimetric observations of the chromosphere with the DKIST, using the newly developed Departure coefficient driven Spectro-polarimetric Inversion with Response functions (DeSIRe) code. DeSIRe solves the Non-Local Thermodynamic (NLTE) problem of the magnetized chromosphere taking into account the line polarization induced by the Zeeman effect. It is expected that scattering polarization and the Hanle effect will also contribute importantly to the polarization of chromospheric signals (the so-called “NLTE of the 2nd kind”), especially above the quiet Sun and for near-the-limb observations. The complexity of the forward model for the scattering polarization in the magnetized chromosphere, unfortunately, makes it very hard to design efficient and reliable inversion schemes that could be used for routinely processing the very large data output that are expected of the DKIST.
Given the present lack of viable tools for inversion of chromospheric signals affected by scattering polarization, a useful first step is to validate the inversion products of DeSIRe and quantify the “errors” caused by neglecting scattering polarization and the Hanle effect. This can be done by using a forward model that includes scattering polarization in order to synthesize the spectral line polarization produced by DeSIRe-inverted atmospheres, and compare it with the original observations. The forward model that we identified for this task is the HanleRT code, which was developed at the High Altitude Observatory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (HAO-NCAR), also in Boulder. The successful candidate will work under the joint supervision of Dr. Roberto Casini (HAO) and Dr. Han Uitenbroek (NSO), and will be located at HAO. He/she will learn the physics of scattering polarization and the Hanle effect, polarized radiative transfer, and the application of both the DeSIRe and HanleRT code. The main deliverable of this appointment is the development of a data pipeline between the two codes, which will be capable of producing “synthetic maps” of the solar chromosphere using HanleRT, to be compared with the DKIST observations, starting from inverted data products from DeSIRe. An additional outcome will be the conception of a numerical/statistical approach to quantify the errors on the DeSIRe-inverted atmospheres based on the variance between the real and synthetic observations.
The appointment is initially for one year, renewable for a second year, contingent upon satisfactory performance and availability of funds.
Requirements: PhD in Physics, Astrophysics, or related sciences; proficiency in Fortran 90, and OpenMPI; experience with data visualization methods and tools (e.g., IDL, Python VTK) and high-performance computing will be necessary. Basic knowledge of C is desirable.
Please apply on the AURA Company Website, using the link:
The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) operates several observatory centers (including the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, the National Solar Observatory (NSO), Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and the Gemini Observatory) in the United States and Chile under cooperative agreements with the National Science Foundation.
2 – The NSO is seeking a post-doctoral research associate to work on the validation of science (level-2) data products in the solar corona, in preparation for the first light of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
The successful applicant will work with senior scientists to develop a pipeline which will deliver scientifically valuable data for the community, with special emphasis on spectro-polarimetry with at least two of the DKIST first-light instruments. The work will include the development of synthetic models of polarized light from the solar corona, analysis of infrared data from existing instruments such as HAO’s CoMP, and, eventually, unique data from DKIST instruments. The associate will develop skills in cutting edge theoretical and observational solar physics, with direct access to some of the first data from DKIST. The work will be done mostly at NSO’s HQ in Boulder, Colorado, but will likely require travel to Hawaii, and international travel. The corona presents special challenges, and DKIST is the largest coronagraphic community facility devoted to measuring the coronal magnetic field. DKIST therefore offers the opportunity to work with data that break through previous barriers with significant potential for new understanding. The skills developed during the two-year appointment will be attractive to future employers at universities and elsewhere.
The main deliverable of this appointment is the development of data pipelines that will be capable of inverting spectro-polarimetric observations of the Corona into physical values of the coronal magnetic field that can be made available to the solar community.
The successful candidate will work under the joint supervision of Dr. Philip Judge (HAO) and Dr. Han Uitenbroek (NSO), and will be located at NSO. The appointment is initially for one year, renewable for a second year contingent upon satisfactory performance and availability of funds.
Requirements: PhD in Physics, Astrophysics, or related sciences. Experience with data visualization methods and tools (e.g., IDL, Python VTK) and high-performance computing is highly desirable.
Please apply on the AURA website, using the link The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) operates several observatory centers (including the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, the National Solar Observatory (NSO), Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and the Gemini Observatory) in the United States and Chile under cooperative agreements with the National Science Foundation.