SOLARNET school March 23-27, MSSL – Call for Applications
The call for application is open for the SOLARNET school “A holistic view of the solar atmosphere – combining space and ground-based observations”
Dates, venue: March 23-27, 2020 at UCL – Mullard Space Science Laboratory (Dorking, UK)
The school “A holistic view of the solar atmosphere – combining space and ground-based observations” has for a goal to provide an introduction to the approaches and analysis methods needed to successfully combine space and ground-based observations of the solar atmosphere from the photosphere to the corona, in order to a complete view of the underlying physical processes at work in a range of different solar phenomena.
To apply for the SOLARNET school, please send to no later than February 25, 2020
- a one-page CV
- a brief statement of interest (max. 1/2 page) indicating your field of research and why you want to participate in the school.
Web Links (more information will appear in due course):
Course on “Dynamical Systems and Machine Learning Approaches to Sun-Earth Relations”
The International School of Space Science of the Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale organizes a Course on “Dynamical Systems and Machine Learning Approaches to Sun-Earth Relations”, to be held in L’Aquila, Italy, 15-19 June 2020, directed by G. Consolini, D. Del Moro.
The course is devoted to young researchers and PhD students and will provide an introduction and an overview of the recent theoretical, numerical and data analysis advances in the framework of dynamical systems and machine learning approaches to the characterisation and the modelling of Sun-Earth’s relations.
The dynamics of the Sun strongly affects the interplanetary and circumterrestrial environment, causing phenomena that have a great impact on the anthropic activities. In the past, the response of the Earth’s magnetosphere-ionosphere system to the changes of the solar wind and interplanetary conditions due to the solar activity has been widely investigated showing that the dynamics of the coupled solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere (SMI) system resembles that of a complex system displaying scale invariant features, turbulence and a near-criticality behaviour. On the other hand, in the framework of dynamical systems, several new tools and methods have been proposed to quantify and characterise the dynamical complexity and its role in nonlinear out-of-equilibrium dynamical systems.
Furthermore, the modelling of the complex dynamics of the SMI system, as such as some features of the solar activity has been shown to benefit from the recent advances in the field of machine learning techniques.
The course will consist in theoretical lectures and laboratory exercitations.
Applications are due before February 29, 2020.
For more information visit or send an e-mail to
European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) – 2020 Prizes: First Call for Nominations
Deadline: February 1st, 2020
Since 2017, the European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) of the European Physical Society (EPS) awards three prizes: the ESPD PhD Thesis Prize, the ESPD Early Career Researcher (Postdoc) Prize and the Senior Prize. These prizes are nomination-based. The deadline for nomination is February 1st, 2020.
The 2020 ESPD PhD Thesis Prize will be awarded to a young researcher whose PhD thesis/viva was defended in 2019.
The 2020 ESPD Early Career Prize will be awarded to a young researcher whose PhD was awadered after 01/01/2016 (with possible extension).
The 2020 ESPD Senior Prize will be awarded to a distinguished senior scientist for a life-long prolific career.
Further information about eligibility, documents to be included in the nomination package, and submission process for each prize can be found on the ESPD prizes webpage:
Primo Congresso della Space Weather Italian Community (SWICo)

Dal 12 al 13 febbraio 2020 si terrà il “Primo Congresso della Space Weather Italian Community (SWICo)” presso la sede dell’ASI a Roma ( Il Congresso tratterà dello Space Weather sia negli aspetti scientifici che in quelli applicativi e organizzativi. Durante il convegno si terrà anche l’Assemblea Nazionale SWICo. Il convegno è aperto anche a ricercatori e tecnologi non aderenti a SWICo e sono incoraggiati la presenza e il contributo di studenti e dottorandi. La deadline per la sottomissione di abstract e iscrizioni on-line è il 16 dicembre 2019.

Doctoral Researcher in Solar Physics at AIP
The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) invites applications for a Doctoral Researcher in Solar Physics (f/m/d). The position is within the project »From Flux Emergence to Decay –A High-resolution Study of Sunspots« supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The focus of the doctoral research project is the growth and decay of sunspots using state-of-the-art multi-wavelength and multi-instrument high-resolution data in combination with state-of-the-art data handling techniques. During the doctoral studies,the successful candidate will develop expertise in solar observations, imaging and near-infrared spectropolarimetry, high-resolution imaging, spectral inversion techniques, and analysis of data from solar space missions.
We are seeking a highly motivated student with a Master degree in physics or astronomy & astrophysics with good/very good grades according to the German grading scheme for higher education. A good command of spoken and written English and basic programming skills are desirable. Genuine interest or some experience in solar physics research, astronomical observations will be highly beneficial. The doctoral student will be registered at University of Potsdam, which also grant the doctoral degree.
The appointment is a fixed-term contract for three years. The salary is based on the German public service scale (75% working time, TV-L E13), which includes employer contributions to medical and dental insurance, maternity leave and retirement benefits.
As an equal opportunity employer AIP considers individuals for employment according to their skills, abilities and experiences. Preference will be given to handicapped persons with equal competence. Women are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications for and inquiries about the doctoral position should be send to Dr. Meetu Verma preferably via e-mail to To apply, please send a single PDF file containing curriculum vitae including publications,transcripts,motivation letter including statements on education, skills and experience. If applicable, please attach separately the copies of Bachelor and/or Master Thesis. Applicants should also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent. Review of applications will begin 2019 October 1, and continue until the position is filled
Summer School Programme ‘Solar spectropolarimetry: From virtual to real observations’

SOLARNET is pleased to announce the call for its Summer School Programme ‘Solar spectropolarimetry: From virtual to real observations’ to be held between September 9-14, 2019, at Università della Svizzera italiana, in Lugano, Switzerland
More information on:
Application deadline: June 30, 2019
Call accouncement – SOLARNET Summer School for Solar Observers – A week above the clouds

Dear Colleagues,We want to draw your attention towards the *SOLARNET Summer School for Solar Observers – A week above the cloudss* which will be held at the Observatorio del Teide in August 5-9, 2019.Our purpose is to instruct students and young postdocs in the capabilities and operation of the German solar facilities at the observatory, by giving them the opportunity to
– run real observations at GREGOR, the largest solar telescope in Europe
– calibrate data by learning how to use the existing data pipelines, Python and deep learning techniques
– learn how to complement ground-based observations with space-based observations
– experience the observers’ life up the mountain for a weekthrough different lectures and experimental activities (programme in SOLARNET webpage available soon).
Due to restrictions in accommodation, the number of participants is limited to 12.To register, please send an email to with a brief statement of interest indicating your field of research and why you want to participate in the school.Registration deadline: June 15, 2019.
SOLARNET Mobility of Young and Experienced Researchers Programme Announcement (1st Call)

The SOLARNET Mobility Evaluation Committee (MEC) is pleased to announce the 1st Call for Proposals of Mobility Programme of Young and Experienced Researchers (Deadline: May 31st, 2019).
SOLARNET ( aims to bring together and integrate the major European research infrastructures in the field of high-resolution solar physics, in order to promote coordinated research and development. In this regard, SOLARNET will support the mobility of early stage researchers (ESRs) as well as experienced researchers as part of the networking activities foreseen in the project. This task is supervised by the MEC, which evaluates and selects the submitted applications. This first Call is related to stays to be carried on during the period September 1st, 2019 – February 29th, 2020. Detailed information about the Young and Experienced Researchers Mobility Programme can be found at and in the attached file below:
VINCENZO FERRARO AWARD 2019 for young scholars in Space Physics

The Vincenzo Ferraro Association intends to pay tribute to Prof. Vincenzo C.A. Ferraro, originally from Sorrento peninsula (Campania, Italy), an astrophysicist and pioneer in plasma physics, in order to encourage studies in the field of space physics.
With this in view, the Vincenzo Ferraro Association, represented by President Maddalena Ferraro, establishes for the year 2019 a “Vincenzo Ferraro” Prize to be assigned, after evaluation by a qualified scientific panel, to a young scholar in the physics of space plasmas with particular reference to his/her doctoral thesis.
Admission to this prize is reserved to students of Italian and foreign universities who have obtained a PhD degree in Physics or equivalent in Italy or abroad after September 1, 2014 with a thesis on topics relevant to the study of space plasmas.
All the details can be found in the attached official announcement.
Scientific long-term exchange – NAWA Ulam Programme
The aim of the Ulam Programme is to increase the internationalisation of Polish HEIs and scientific institutions. The Programme will allow both recognised and promising scientists with at least the doctoral degree, to visit Poland in order to strengthen the scientific potential of Polish entities and to participate in their scientific activities, primarily research projects and didactics. The Programme will allow to invite scientists from all around the world representing all fields of science to the Polish institutions of science and higher education. HEIs, scientific and research institutes will have the opportunity to invite specialists from their priority areas to Poland – they will make a significant contribution to the research conducted by a given institution, strengthen didactics or support the institution in applying for prestigious grants.
The Programme will facilitate a gradual increase in the number of foreign scientists involved in scientific research and teaching in Poland and also enable or deepen international contacts with foreign institutions.
Authorised applicants
An application under the Programme shall be submitted by an individual scientist who holds a doctoral degree awarded in a country other than Poland, does not hold Polish citizenship and has not lived, worked or studied in Poland since at least 2017. The condition of not being a Polish citizen does not apply to persons who are Polish citizens and whose full cycle of doctoral studies has been financed by the Polish government, as these persons are entitled to participate in the Programme,
The Programme is open to scientists representing all fields of science.
Activities implemented in the framework of the Programme
As part of the Programme, possible visits are those whose objective include:
- completing the first or a subsequent post-doctoral fellowship;
- conducting scientific research, including in cooperation with Polish scientists or research teams;
- obtaining materials for research or a scientific publication;
- conducting didactic classes at the host
Scholarship timeframes and financing
Foreign scientists may stay in Poland for 6 to 24 months, and they may be accompanied by members of their family, and in the case the Programme participant is a disabled person, by their assistant.
Scientists visiting Polish scientific institutions under the Programme will receive a monthly Scholarship for the duration of their stay and a mobility allowance, which will allow them to cover the travel costs.
Visit under the scholarship may not take place earlier than 1 October 2019 or later than 31 May 2020.
Deadline for submitting the proposals
The call for applications under the Programme will be held from 22 January to 23 April 2019 until 3:00 PM Central European Time (UTC +01:00) in an electronic form exclusively via the ICT system of the Agency.
More info at